Aral expedition of 1848 – 1849
In 1848 – 1849 the expedition to the Aral Sea under the leadership of the famous Russian explorer Captain-Lieutenant A.I. Butakov was examined Sea for first time, measured its depth, defined latitude, conducted astronomical observations and discovered a number of new islands. At this time was collected materials about the life of the Kazakh population, conducted geological research of areas and made extensive description of the flora and fauna of the coast and islands of the Aral sea.
By order of A. I. Butakov Shevchenko performed numerous sketches, drawings and watercolors.
Chronologically, drawings and pictures Shevchenko associated with an expedition, formed five groups:
1. Land transition from Orsk fortress to strengthen Raim – 11.V – 17.VI 1848 (see pictures 2 – 18 and drawings 138 – 148);
2. The first sail to the Aral Sea – 30.VII – 28.IX 1848 (see pictures 19 – 31 and drawings 149 – 172);
3. Wintering at Kos-Aral – 6.X 1848 – 6.V 1849 (see pictures 32 – 43 and drawings 173 – 177);
4. The second sail to the Aral Sea – 6.V – 22.IX 1849 (see pictures 44 – 45 and drawings 178 – 190);
5. Staying in Orenburg – X 1849 – IV 1850.
Much of the field sketches and outlines made during the Aral expedition is also in the Shevchenko's albums of 1846 – 1850.
Dates and individual titles of works set on the basis of expedition material (diaries by A. I. Butakov and forwarding maps).
After publication: Taras Shevchenko Complete Works in 10 volumes. – Kyiv: ed. Academy of sciences of UkrSSR, 1962, vol. 8, p. 3 – 4 (notes).