Kazakh boy kindles stove
Taras Shevchenko. Kazakh boy kindles stove. Paper, sepia (24,7 × 18,3 cm). [Kos-Aral]. [6.X 1848 – 2.IV 1849]. Taras Shevchenko National Museum, inv. g – 743.
On the back bottom right – ink inscription (hand Shevchenko): Venevitinov and Koltsov in one volume K.
In January 1850 A. I. Butakov left Orenburg to St. Petersburg. In his diary he recorded instructions Shevchenko: "In Moscow for Taras plain blue glasses with side windows and works of Venevitinov and Koltsov" [M.Shahinyan, Shevchenko, M., 1941, p. 202].
Label the figure suggests that the picture was gifted to Butakov and entry in the diary is a reminder of Shevchenko's request.
Picture was placed in the album Butakov.
Outline to this image see on the reverse of sepia "A. Butakov and paramedic A. Istomin during winter on Kos-Aral" (number 41). Other sketches see number 76, 177. Image of the same boy see number 38.
After this picture made the etching by G. K. Mikhailov [see reproduction in the "Journal of fine art", St. Petersburg, 1887, p. 365].
In the literature mentioned with a false dating – in 1853 and entitled "Kyrgyz near the stove" [A. Novitsky Taras Shevchenko as a painter, Lviv – Moscow, 1914, Tab. 62], "Kyrgyz stove heats" ["Product painting art Shevchenko, exhibited in galleries", Kharkiv, 1934, p. 29], "Kyrgyz boy" [P. Altman Taras Grig. Shevchenko, "Literary critic", Moscow, 1939, № 3, p. 35], "Kyrgyz boy drowns stove" [M. G. Burachek, Great folk artist, X., 1939, Table. XI].
Storage areas: property of Butakov, Glazenap, Kyiv City Museum, Ukrainian historical museum (Kyiv), Gallery of pictures Shevchenko, Kharkiv.
L. I. Vnuchkova
After publication: Taras Shevchenko Complete Works in 10 volumes. – Kyiv: ed. Academy of sciences of UkrSSR, 1962, vol. 8, № 37 (image), p. 23 (notes).