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Taras Shevchenko

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Shevchenko draws a friend

Taras Shevchenko. Shevchenko draws a…

Taras Shevchenko. Shevchenko draws friend. Paper, sepia (18,1 27,1 cm). [Raim]. [19.VI – 25.VII 1848]. Taras Shevchenko National Museum, inv. g – 845.

On the back top left ink inscription: Shevchenko with pencil in arm. Before him – sitter.

Obviously, this picture along with a picture "Shevchenko among fellow" of 1851 saw N. F. Savichev in 1852, because in his memoirs, he confused the details of the two images into one (see newspaper "Cossack Gazette", 1884, № 53 – 54), that was the reason some researchers attributed this picture to Kara-Tau expedition.

Dated by residence time Shevchenko in Raim in June – July 1848 on the grounds that the techniques of writing, pictures of interior tent, cots, guitar, carpet here are the same as in the picture "Portrait of an unknown with a guitar" with a handwritten inscription Shevchenko Raim, lighting a bright, sunny, top, nature nude, Shevchenko clad in summer soldier form.

In literature known under the titles: "Self-portrait. Shevchenko draws in derivative tent" [A. Novitsky, Shevchenko, K., 1930, Tab. III. Here incorrectly identified equipment – watercolor], "In dzhulamijka (tent)" [A. P. Novitsky, Painting of Taras Shevchenko, [Kyiv, 1936], p. 103, № 679], "By drawing in expedition tent" [S. Raevsky, The question of attribution and dating some sepia Shevchenko, "Visual Arts", K., 1941, № 4, p. 30], "By drawing" [T. Shevchenko, portraits, K., 1939, № VI], "Shevchenko draws in tent" [V.G., Pictures and etchings Shevchenko, "Kyiv antiquity", K., 1888, Vol. XXI, p. 82 – 83], "Shevchenko in the sketch" ["Catalog of Little Russian antiques and curioses. Collection of V. Tarnowskі", K., 1893, p. 30, № 9], " Shevchenko drawn the nature" [M. Shahinyan, Shevchenko, M., 1941, p. 48 – 49], "Shevchenko in Kyrgyzstan" ["Product painting art Shevchenko, exhibited in galleries", Kharkiv, 1934, p. 28].

Woodcut of this drawing titled "Shevchenko in the sketch" published in the journal "Bee" (1876, Vol. II, p. 4, № 16).

Storage areas: property E. M. Tevyashov, V. N. Lazarev, E. E. Reitern, State Russian Museum, Leningrad Institute of Taras Shevchenko, Kharkiv – Kyiv, Gallery of pictures Shevchenko, Kharkiv, Central Museum T. Shevchenko, Kyiv.

In 1939 exhibited at the Republican Shevchenko anniversary exhibition, Kyiv (Catalog, p. 44, № 223).

L. I. Vnuchkova

After publication: Taras Shevchenko Complete Works in 10 volumes. – Kyiv: ed. Academy of sciences of UkrSSR, 1962, vol. 8, № 12 (image), p. 10 – 11 (notes).