Self-portrait in a white cap (monochrome)
Taras Shevchenko (?). Self-portrait in a white cap.
[Orenburg]. [XI 1849 – IV 1850]. Paper, Oil (26.1 × 20.1 cm).
After returning from the Aral expedition to Orenburg Shevchenko lived in an apartment of K. Gern. As seen from the Gern's letter to M.M.Lazarevsky, Shevchenko "paint a lot, especially portraits… Began to paint by oil colors my portrait and my wife" (Kievan antiquity, 1899, bk. II, p. 68). During the same period Shevchenko painted several portraits, which gave to friends.
One can assume that in this period Shevchenko painted three self-portraits by oil, exactly: this portrait in white cap, its one replica and portrait in black cap. Some scholars date these portraits of the artist as Aral expedition period.
For common parts with the original self-portrait – sepia tone 1849 – 1850 – can recognize that this self-portrait as the next is an author's repeat, however, it requires additional research.
Original location is unknown. From the literature it is known that the portrait was formerly owned by N.P. Trinkler.
Described and reproduced by A. Novitsky's book "Shevchenko as a painter" (Lviv – Moscow, 1914, p. 4).
On these and similar portraits to see M. Matsapura, Shevchenko's portraits (Ukraine, 1960, № 5, p. 8).
Je.O. Sereda
After publication: Taras Shevchenko Complete Works in 10 volumes. – Kyiv: ed. Academy of sciences of UkrSSR, 1963, v. 8, № 191 (image), p. 67 (notes).