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Taras Shevchenko

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Self-portrait 1850

Taras Shevchenko. Self-portrait 1849…

Taras Shevchenko. Self-portrait. [Orenburg]. [XI 1849 – IV 1850].
Paper, Sepia (15.6 12.9 cm).

The back mat on a paper label placed ink inscription: 1850 r. w Orenburgu własnoreczny portret Tarasa Szewczenki ofiarowany Arkadiuszowi Węgrzynowskiemu [Self-portrait of Taras Shevchenko in 1850 in Orenburg, donated to Arcady Węgrzynowski].

Below is a pencil inscription: Portret ten Szewczenki przez niego [same] go malowany otrzymałem od mego wuja Ark[adiusza] Węgrzynowskiego w Odessie w 1890 roku [This portrait of Shevchenko I received from my uncle Arcady Węgrzynowski in Odessa in 1890] illegible signature and beyond: NB. A. Węgrzynowski był towarzyszem wygnania T. Szewczenki w Orenburgskich rotach w 1850 r. [A. Węgrzynowski was a friend of Shevchenko in exile in Orenburg companies in 1850]

Dated by the time of Shevchenko's stay in Orenburg after the Aral expedition.

O. Konysky reproduced it as self-portrait, drawed in 1848 in Butakov's expedition. (A.J. Konysky, Life of Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko, Odessa, 1898, p. 308).

As seen from the inscription that the reverse self-portrait, A.Węgrzynowski handed portrait of his nephew (his name is not set).

Previous storage: property of A.Węgrzynowski, Museum of Shevchenko's Scientific Society in Lviv.

Lviv Museum of Ukrainian Art, inv. Number 35 064.

Similar self-portraits Shevchenko posted as additional images.

I.M. Verykivska

After publication: Taras Shevchenko Complete Works in 10 volumes. – Kyiv: ed. Academy of sciences of UkrSSR, 1963, v. 8, № 47 (image), p. 27 – 28 (notes).

Additional images