Arrest of Pugachev. Sketches (fol. 2 v.)
Taras Shevchenko. Arrest of Pugachev. Suvorov sends Pugachev to Moscow. Sketches illustrations for book "History of Suvorov" by N.A.Polevoj. Other sketches. [1841, late – 1842, the beginning. St. Petersburg].
Paper, pencil, ink. 17,6 × 26,5 cm
Department of manuscripts and textology Shevchenko Literature institute,
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, fund 1, № 106.
On the back – "Centurion's daughter". A sketch. "Hand with pistol". Sketch illustrations "Arrest of Pugachev" to book "History of Suvorov" by N.A.Polevoj. Other studies and sketches.
Figures drawed on the back sheet 2 from album 1840 – 1844; at the bottom left on the sheet marked: 3 (number of page in album).
Sheet filled by different images. On the top – worked out in details two sketches for illustrations – "The arrest of Pugachev" and "Suvorov sends Pugachev to Moscow". At the bottom – the figure sketch a man lying with a book (similar sketch), light sketch of hand with pistol and sketch male figure. In the sketch "Suvorov sends Pugachev to Moscow" inscription in pencil by N.A.Polevoj's hand: in jackboots. This observation is taken into account by the artist for completion the picture.
Date from the time work on illustrating the first issue of "History of Suvorov" in late 1841 – early 1842.
First mentioned by V.P. Gorlenko in 1886 [Gorlenko V.P. Albums and pictures of Shevchenko in the assembly of V.V. Tarnowski // Kievan Antiquity. – 1886. – № 2. – P. 404]
Reproduced for the first time in 1911 with the title "Outline" on the postal card, issued by the company "Education".
Reproduced and described in 1914 by A.P. Novitsky [Novitsky Ol. Taras Shevchenko as a painter. – Lviv, Moscow, 1914. – p. 74. – № 544. – Table. 51].
Storage sites within the album: not later than 1885 – came to V.V. Tarnowskі; from 1899 – V. Tarnowski's Chernihiv museum of ukrainian antiquities, 1925 – Chernihiv Historical Museum, 1933 – Taras Shevchenko institute; 1936 – Shevchenko Institute of ukrainian literature.
V.A. Sudak
After publication: T.H. Shevchenko Complete Works in 12 volumes. – K.: Naukova Dumka, 2003, v. 7, p. 278 – 279 (image), p. 440 – 441 (note).