Centurion's daughter and other sketches (fol. 2 r.)
Taras Shevchenko. Centurion's daughter. A sketch. Hand with pistol. Sketch illustrations "Arrest of Pugachev" for book "History of Suvorov" by N.A.Polevoj. Other studies and sketches. [1841 – 1842. St. Petersburg]. Pencil on paper. 17,6 × 26,5 cm. Department of manuscripts and textology Shevchenko Literature institute,
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, fund 1, № 106.
On the back – "The arrest of Pugachev". "Suvorov sends Pugachev to Moscow". Sketches illustrations for book "History of Suvorov" by N.A.Polevoj. Other sketches.
Figures made of sheet 2 from album 1840 – 1844.
Right at the top and bottom is marked with ink: 2 (number of page in album).
Sheet filled by different images. Almost all space of page is covered by easy sketch "Centurion's daughter" (a more complete sketch). At floor made twelve sketches and studies, one of them was intended to illustrate "History of Suvorov". In the bottom left image bust man in profile and an inscription in pencil: Kum Kulynskiy.
It is dated approximately 1841 – 1842 according to the time when Shevchenko was working on the painting "Centurion's daughter" and illustrations to the "History of Suvorov."
A sheet with a list of all the sketches for the first time mentioned in 1886 by V.P. Gorlenko [Gorlenko V.P. Albums and pictures of Shevchenko in the assembly of V.V. Tarnowski // Kievan Antiquity. – 1886. – № 2. – P. 404].
First described and reproduces in 1932 by A.P. Novitsky [T. Shevchenko Complete Works. – [X., 1932. – T. 8]. – C 3. – № 2. – Table. 132.].
Storage sites within the album: not later than 1885 – came to V.V. Tarnowskі; from 1899 – V. Tarnowski's Chernihiv museum of ukrainian antiquities, 1925 – Chernihiv Historical Museum, 1933 – Taras Shevchenko institute; 1936 – Shevchenko Institute of ukrainian literature.
V.A. Sudak
After publication: Taras Shevchenko Complete Works in 10 volumes. – K. ed. USSR Academy of Sciences, 1961, v. 7, Vol. 2, № 156 (image); T.H. Shevchenko Complete Works in 12 volumes. – K.: Naukova Dumka, 2003, v. 7, p. 440 (note).