Korsun Alexander
Korsun Alexander A. (27 May (8 Jun) 1818 – 25 Oct (6 Nov) 1891) – Ukrainian writer and publisher.
Born in the village Bogdanovskaya Antipovka (now Rostov region, Russia) in the family landowner. He entered the Kharkov University, where he graduated, presumably in 1842, and joined public office until 1860. The rest of life he spent in his native village.
In Ukrainian literature Korsun left his mark primarily as a publisher of the almanac "Snip (Sheaf)" (Kharkov 1841), which he prepared in his student years. In it, in addition to poems and translations of Korsun himself, were printed the poems , tragedy N. I. Kostomarov "" and other works. A few works by Korsun were published in the journal "Majak (Lighthouse)" in 1842 – 1845 years.
Korsun dreamed to issue second volume of "Sheaf", but he failed to do so.
Shevchenko and Korsun
1. The writers were not personally familiar, but kept epistolary relationship.
2. In 1841, Korsun enthusiastically responded to the publication of Shevchenko’s "Kobzar" (1840) with poetry "".
3. After the publication of the anthology "Snip (Sheaf)" (1841) Korsun invited Shevchenko to take part in the second volume of the anthology. Shevchenko sent him beginning of poem "Mariana-nun" (which has remained unfinished) and poetry "Wind with the grove speaks…". Korsun received them January 18, 1842, but the almanac, which was prepared during 1842, newer was issued. Autographs sent to Korsun extant and are important sources of texts Shevchenko.
4. To this time belongs correspondence Korsun and Shevchenko:
January 11 – 12, 1842 Letter T. Shevchenko to A. Korsun;
May 2, 1842 Letter A. Korsun to T. Shevchenko.
5. In his memoirs about N. I. Kostomarov Korsun wrote that he had more letters from Shevchenko, but they burned in a burning his building January 28, 1863 [Korsun A. A. N. I. Kostomarov. – , 1890, vol. 73, number 10, p. 206].
M. Zh., Sep 13, 2016.