Portrait of J. F. Rudzynsky
Taras Shevchenko. Portrait of Joseph F. Rudzynsky. Oil on canvas (45 × 35,5 cm). [Krolevets]. [April – May] 1845. National Art Museum of Ukraine, inv. number 862.
Lower left red paint date and signature of the author: 1845 Shevchenko.
In 1929 acquired by All-Ukrainian historical museum in Kiev from Gostorg office with false name "Portrait of a doctor Rudzynsky".
Depicted person – captain Joseph F. Rudzynsky was the son of Krolevets county physician F.P. Rudzynsky. For participation in the Turkish war of 1828 – 1829 he was awarded a medal and campaign for 1830 – 1831 biennium – Polish "sign of excellence for military dignity Class V" as described on the chest of portrayed person. From 1843 to 6. VI in 1845 was retired and lived probably with his father in Krolevets. At this time Shevchenko could paint his portrait, because from 6.VI 1845 J. F. Rudzynsky has worked in Orsha as district chief of state property [G. A. Miloradovich, Genealogy book of Chernigov gentry, vol. I, part I and II, St. Petersburg, 1901, p. 478, vol. II, Part III, p. 285, Central State Historical Archives, Leningrad, f. 1343, op. 28, № 3132, ff. 57; № 3133, p. 4 – 6].
Storage areas: Ukrainian Historical Museum, Kyiv; Gallery paintings of Taras Shevchenko, Kharkiv.
In 1954 exposed at exhibition of fine art of the Ukrainian SSR, devoted to 300th anniversary of reunification of Ukraine with Russia (Catalogue, p. 17).
E. O. Sereda
After publication: Taras Shevchenko Complete works in 10 volumes. – Kyiv: ed. Academy of sciences of UkrSSR, 1961, Vol. 7, part 1, № 112 (image), p. 44 (note).