Self-portrait 1853
Taras Shevchenko. Self-portrait.
[Novopetrovsk fortification] [1851..1853]. Paper, Sepia.
Self-portrait was known by reproduction in the journal "Proceedings of Kuban area study Society" (1913, vol. IV, between the pp. 48 – 49), indicating that this picture was the size of paper mail. Poor quality of hardly retoushed reproductions prevent to determine the date of self-portrait by comparing it with other Shevchenko's portraits, while in exile. Some similarities of this self-portrait with Shevchenko's depicting in sepia «Bayhushes», executed in 1853, and the fact that Shevchenko sent this self-portrait as gift to Ya.Kukharenko April 22, 1857 , were the basis for establishing the wide date of the picture: 1853 – 22.IV 1857.
At the time of printing of this volume [1961], when reproductions of Shevchenko's works of 1851 – 1853 years had already been implemented, among the documents belonging to Helena Pchilka was discovered toned photograph showing the original of the same self-portrait (Institute of Literature AN USSR, Kyiv, f. 1, № 872). High quality photo, where are well transferred the image itself and its implementation techniques, allowed to compare the self-portrait with other Shevchenko's portraits from years of exile, as a result of its specified date: 1851 – 1853 years, and together set its undoubted affinity to self-portraits made by Shevchenko in Orenburg (see B. Butnyk-Seversky, In the creative laboratory of the artist, "Ukraine", K., 1963, № 12, p. 10 – 11).
Previous storage: property Ja.G.Kukharenko, A. J. Kukharenko.
Current storage is unknown.
Reproduced by photograph of the Institute of Literature AN USSR, Kyiv.
I.M. Verykivska
After publication: Taras Shevchenko Complete Works in 10 volumes. – Kyiv: ed. Academy of sciences of UkrSSR, 1964, v. 9, № 37 (image), p. 25 (notes).