Near gruel
Taras Shevchenko. Near gruel. Pencil on paper (14,9 × 22,8 cm). [July – August 1846]. Taras Shevchenko National Museum, inv. number g – 425.
Right at the bottom – the ink inscription: Near gruel.
On the back of the figure sketch "Landscape".
Perepjat barrow was situated in Vasilkiv county, Kyiv Province (now Vasilkiv district, Kyiv region).
Shevchenko was commissioned by Archeographic Commission for participation in the excavation of Perepjat barrow in July – August 1846. At the same time he drawed types of peasants who worked on the excavation, and some domestic scenes.
The picture shows an episode from the life of the peasants who worked on the excavation of Perepjat barrow.
There is another version of the same motif.
Registered as № 90 in a Chestahivsky's list.
Storage areas: V. Tarnowski's Museum of Ukrainian antiquity in Chernigov – № 184, Chernihiv Regional Historical Museum, Gallery of pictures Shevchenko, Kharkiv.
In 1929 exposed in an exhibition of works of T. Shevchenko in Chernihiv (Catalogue, p. 19, № 21).
K. V. Chumak
After publication: Taras Shevchenko Complete works in 10 volumes. – Kyiv: ed. Academy of sciences of UkrSSR, 1961, Vol. 7, part 2, № 322 (image), p. 43 (note).