Portrait of E. I. Lyzogub
Taras Shevchenko. Portrait of Elijah Ivanovich Lyzogub. Oil on canvas (65,5 × 53,5 cm). [Sedniv]. [28.II – 30.IV 1846 or March 1847]. Taras Shevchenko National Museum, inv. zh – 103.
In the literature is found incorrect dating of the portrait as a work performed after exile ["Russian bibliophile", 1914, p. 45].
Dated on the basis of residence Shevchenko in Sedniv.
Storage areas: property of L.O. Lyzogub (wife's nephew I. I. Lyzogub), I. V. Lyzogub, Ukrainian Historical Museum, Kyiv, gallery of paintings by Taras Shevchenko, Kharkiv, Central Museum of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv.
In 1939 exposed in Republican Shevchenko's anniversary exhibition in Kyiv (catalog, № 179).
E. O. Sereda
After publication: Taras Shevchenko Complete works in 10 volumes. – Kyiv: ed. Academy of sciences of UkrSSR, 1961, Vol. 7, part 1, № 134 (image), p. 52 (note).