Sitter. Sketch 1
Taras Shevchenko. Sitter. Sketch to examination work "Sitter in red cloth". Other sketch.
[1841, no later than 28 November. St. Petersburg]. Paper, pencil. 17,8 × 26,3 cm.
Taras Shevchenko National Museum, № 783 – g.
On the back – "Sitter. Sketch to examination work "Sitter in red cloth". Student Academy of Art. Sketch.
Top right is marked with ink: № 116-2.
Figures drawed in one of the four pages of double sheet landscape, noted by G.M. Chestahivsky in 1861 in description of the drawings that were in Shevchenko's academic workshops, under the heading "Pictures by Sternberg" at number 50/60 [Department of manuscripts and textology Institute of Literature National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, fund 1, unit 459]. Later, the sheet was cutted by the line of bend.
On the page placed unrelated sketches: Draw pupil, sitter Taras Malyshev in posture for oil etude "Sitter on red fabric and profile of an unknown person in the pince-nez.
Trying to identify images in profile person in pince-nez with N.V. Gogol [Gasko M. Shevchenko draws Gogol // Ukraine. – 1978. – № 5] denied by distance of portrait model with the iconography of the writer.
Dated by the time representation of oil etude "Sitter on the red fabric" on exam November 28, 1841.
Scientific description provided in 1900 as part of the album of pictures by V.I. Sternberg (without detailed description) [Catalog of V. Tarnowski's Museum of Ukrainian antiquity / arranged by B.D. Grinchenko. – Chernigov, 1900. – T. 2. – p. 4. – № 21].
Reproduced for the first time and commented as Shevchenko figures named "In the nature class of Arts Academy" in 1961 [T. Shevchenko Complete Works: in 10 volumes. – K., 1961. – Vol. 7, bk. 2. – p. 24. – № 247]
Storage areas: from April 1861 – property of M.M.Lazarevsky, later purchased by St. Petersburg's Ukrainian community, not earlier than July 1861 – A.O. Kozachkovsky, not later than 1875 came to V.P. Kakhovski; from 1891 Kakhovski family, not later than 1893 transferred to S.D. Brazol; since 1898 – a collection of V. Tarnowskі; from 1899 – V. Tarnowski's Chernihiv museum of ukrainian antiquities, 1925 – Chernihiv Historical Museum, 1933 – Gallery of pictures by T.H. Shevchenko (Kharkiv), from 1948 – State Museum of T.H. Shevchenko (Kyiv).
I.M. Verykivska
After publication: T.H. Shevchenko Complete Works in 12 volumes. – K.: Naukova Dumka, 2003, v. 7, p. 250 – 251 (image), p. 436 (notes).