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Taras Shevchenko

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Dream of grandmother and granddaughter

Taras Shevchenko. Dream of grandmother…

Taras Shevchenko. Dream of grandmother and granddaughter.
A copy of the picture by K.P. Briullov.
[1839 – 1840, no later than October. St. Petersburg].
Watercolour. 21,9 × 27,6 cm
Taras Shevchenko National Museum, № g -800.

On the mat (stored separately) with a pencil inscription: Shevchenko. Dream of grandmother and granddaughter. Number 28 (number in the Vladyslavlyev's album). Below is printed in bronze paint: Carolus Bruloff. Copia. The same inscription is on the mat of "Interrupted rendezvous". The back mat is marked with ink at the top right: Number 1, above left in pencil: From Briullov's picture; middle of the same hand: Grandmother and granddaughter dream [crossed out], and another hand in pencil: Carolus Bruloff // Copia, right on the edge of the sheet in pencil: RSH [unclear].

Figure by K.P. Briullov (1828. Paper pasted on board, watercolor, bronze, lacquer. 22,5 × 27,4 cm; State Russian Museum (St. Petersburg), № 2275) was owned by Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna, then her daughter Grand Duchess Catherine Mikhailovna [Somov A.K. Briullov and its importance in the russian art. – SPb., 1876. – p. 35; Atsarkyna J.E. Carl Briullov: Life and Works. – M., 1963. – p. 453]. Shevchenko made copy of it, just as the figure "Interrupted rendezvous" to order of V.A. Vladyslavlyev. From this copy was performed in London by John–Henry Robinson engravings printed in the anthology "Morning Dawn" [Morning Dawn. – Ed., 1841. – Between the p. 320 – 321, 322 – 323].

Copy is dated approximately 1839 – not later than October 1840, when censorship permission to print almanac was obtained.

First published by I.Eisenstok in 1935 [Eisenstok I. Fate of T.H. Shevchenko's literary legacy // Literary legacy. – 1935. – № 19/21. – p. 435, 483] L. Vladych mistakenly believed that Shevchenko carried two copies of with watercolor "Dream grandparents and grandchildren" [Vladych L. Shevchenko and russian illustrated books of 40–ies of XIX century. // Proceedings of fifteenth Shevchenko scientific conference. – K., 1968. – p. 201].

Storage areas: property of V.A. Vladyslavlyev; later – K.T. Soldatenkov; of 1901 – V.I. Soldatenkov; in 1919 by N.G. Soldatenkova transferred to the State Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow); from 1938 – Gallery of pictures by T.H. Shevchenko (Kharkiv), from 1948 – State Museum of T.H. Shevchenko (Kyiv).

V.O. Sudak

After publication: Taras Shevchenko Complete Works in 10 volumes. – K.: ed. of Acad. Sci. of UkrSSR, 1961, t. 7, bk. 1, № 19 (image); T.H. Shevchenko Complete Works in 12 volumes. – K.: Naukova Dumka, 2003, v. 7, p. 375 – 376 (notes).