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Taras Shevchenko

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Oksana. Sketches (3)

Taras Shevchenko. Oksana. Sketches (3)

Taras Shevchenko. Oksana. After the motive of the "Blind woman" poem. Sketches.
[1841, end – 1842, the first half. St. Petersburg].
Paper, pencil, ink. 23,3 × 14,4 cm.
Taras Shevchenko National Museum, № g – 649.

On the back – the author's inscription in ink: Alexandre I. (maybe this is – Alexandra Ivanovna Psyol).

In the figure represented the state of the girl, driven to distraction by father-tempter. Sketch has no direct equivalent in the text. Quick and snappy picture conveys a high psychological stress of visual image, transformed in the poem in the literary image of emotional drama.

Dated according to the time of writing drama "Blind beauty" (December 1841) and the "Blind woman" poem (first half 1842).

Scientific description provided in 1900 with descriptive name "Woman under the hangings had the gun, at the feet of her husband" [Catalog of V. Tarnowski's Museum of Ukrainian antiquity / arranged by B.D. Grinchenko. – Chernigov, 1900. – T. 2. – p. 192. – № 423]. Assumptions that sketch related to "Blind woman" poem proposed in 1914 [Novitsky Ol. Taras Shevchenko as a painter. – Lviv, Moscow, 1914. – p. 71. – № 502]

Reproduced for the first time in 1932 by A.P. Novitsky [T. Shevchenko Complete Works. – [Kharkiv, 1932. – T. 8]. – p. 41. – № 297. – Tab. 330].

Storage areas: V.V. Tarnowski's collection; from 1899 – V. Tarnowski's Chernihiv museum of ukrainian antiquities, 1925 – Chernihiv Historical Museum, 1933 – Gallery of pictures by T.H. Shevchenko (Kharkiv), from 1948 – State Museum of T.H. Shevchenko (Kyiv).

O.G. Vartanova, I.M. Verykivska

After publication: T.H. Shevchenko Complete Works in 12 volumes. – K.: Naukova Dumka, 2003, v. 7, p. 286 – 287 (image), p. 443 (notes).