Gulak-Artemovski Peter
Peter Petrovich Gulak-Artemovski (16 (27) Jan 1790 – 1 (13) Oct 1865) – Ukrainian poet.
He was born in the town Gorodysche (now a district center of Cherkassy region) in the family of priest. In 1817 he entered the University of Kharkiv, and since 1820 he began his career as teacher in this university. In 1841 – 1849's he was the rector of Kharkiv University. Along with the University, he taught also at the Kharkiv Institute of noble maidens. He died and was buried in Kharkiv.
Literary work of Gulak-Artemovski began with the move to Kharkiv in 1817 and continued in 41 year – until 1858. It is quite clearly divided into two periods. In the first period (from 1817 until 1833), he performed with fables and rehashing of Horace. In the second period (1842 – 1858 years), he wrote poems dedicated to various personal events and drum patriotic poems in the Crimean War. In general, the first period gave the works, much stronger than the second.
Portrait of Gulak-Artemovski that we present, taken from the book: The works of Ivan Kotliarevsky, Peter Artemovski-Gulak, Eugene Grebinka / ed. J. Romanchuk. – Lviv: Education, 1908, p. 362.
Gulak-Artemovski and Shevchenko
1. The writers were not familiar with each other and not corresponded.
2. On a positive attitude Gulak-Artemovski to the early works of Shevchenko ("Kobzar", "Gaydamaks") wrote three times to Shevchenko G. F. Kvitka-Osnovjanenko (letters of Jan 22, 1841, Nov 22, 1841, Apr 29, 1842).
2. A short sceptical assessment works Gulak-Artemovski Shevchenko gave in preface to unrealized edition of "Kobzar" (1847).
3. Appreciation of rehashing from Horace (To Parkhom) Shevchenko intertwined in the story "Gemini" (1855).
M. Zh., August 7, 2016