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Taras Shevchenko

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Afanasiev-Chuzhbinsky Alexander

Afanasiev Alexander Stepanovich (Feb 28 (Mar 11).1816 – 6 (18) Sep 1875) – Ukrainian and Russian writer and ethnographer. Chuzhbinsky – his pen name, was used in the 1838 – 1851. After a 1853 signed his works as Afanasiev-Chuzhbinsky.

Portrait A. S. Afanasiev-Chuzhbinsky

Born in the village (now Lubny district, Poltava region.) in a family of small landowners, a native Russian. He studied at the Nizhyn gymnasium (1829 – 1835); in 1836 – 1843 years he was in the military, rising to lieutenant.

During the service, he began his literary activity, by typing in the 1838 – 1840 a number of poems in Russian. At the same time he published his Ukrainian poetry (in the anthologies "Swallow" 1841, "Molodyk", 1843).

Since 1861 Afanasiev-Chuzhbinsky lived in St. Petersburg, published his works in the Ukrainian magazine "Osnova (Basis)", edited various Russian newspapers and magazines, published in St. Petersburg. At the same time its main Russian prose was written and published. He died in St. Petersburg, buried at the Volkov cemetery (at Literatorskie jetty).

Afanasiev-Chuzhbinsky and Shevchenko

1. In November 26, 1841, while in Chuguev, A.-Ch. enthusiastically responded to the emergence of "Kobzar" – the verse "" (published in 1843).

2. Their personal acquaintance took June 29, 1843 in the village Mojsivka, through E. Grebinka. In autumn 1843, Shevchenko visited A.-Ch. in his estate Iskovtsy (now Lubny district, Poltava region.). The second time Shevchenko visited Iskovtsy in autumn 1845.

3. In winter 1845 Shevchenko with A.-Ch. staying with Plato and Anna Zakrevsky in village Berezova Rudka.

4. At the beginning of February (before the 10th) in 1846 Shevchenko drove into Iskovtsy to A.-Ch. for the third time, and together they went on a trip to Ukraine, which lasted until April 1846. They visited Lubny (before 16.02), the Nizhyn (17 – 23.02) and Chernihiv (24.02 – 31.03). In Chernihiv Shevchenko painted a portrait A.-Ch. (not preserved).

5. In April – May 1846, together with Shevchenko A.-Ch. lived in Kiev in (now the lane Shevchenko, 8a). Probably at this time A.-Ch. rewrote three poems ("Sunday did not walk…", "The days pass and the nights…" Psalm 136), authorized signature Shevchenko. These lists are sources of Shevchenko’s texts.

6. 17 April 1847 gendarmes had made a description of securities selected from Shevchenko at the time of his arrest. There was mentioned verse by A.-Ch. "To Shevchenko". Shevchenko gave very restrict explanation of this case, and gendarmes had not interested for A.-Ch. more.

7. In the "Journal" (Recording 07.02.1857 g..) Shevchenko wrote memories of their stay with A.-Ch. in Chernigov and he complained bitterly to A.-Ch. for the publication of poem with eulogy the Russian army.

8. At the funeral Shevchenko A.-Ch. delivered a poetic farewell ""(Published in March 1861 in the "Osnova (Basis)" magazine).

9. In 1861 A.-Ch. published his memories of Shevchenko, which are a valuable material for the biography of the poet. He remembered about Shevchenko in "Sketches of the past" (1870) too.

M. Zh., June 21, 2016.


Bykov P. V. works A. Afanasiev-Chuzhbinsky, and . – Afanasiev-Chuzhbinsky A. Collected works in 9 vols., St. Petersburg., Publisher H. Hoppe, 1890, vol. 1, p. 1 – 34.

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